Canopy plans to become a registered provider (RP) of social housing. As part of this process, we have asked Wrigleys Solicitors to review Canopy’s Rules to ensure they are fit for purpose. Our reasons for wanting to become an RP and for changing our rules may be found below. To formalise these changes, members are required to approve them at a Special General Meeting.
Canopy’s Special General Meeting will take place via ZOOM between 12.30pm & 1pm on Tuesday 15 February 2022. Feel free to arrive in the 10-15 minutes leading up to the meeting.
To join the meeting, click here
Why does Canopy want to become a registered provider?
- We would have access to development grants from Homes England as well as from Leeds City Council.
- We would be able to acquire properties from other RPs more cheaply.
- We would be exempt from any future selective licensing fees.
- Our tenants would gain more rights, through having access to a regulator and the housing ombudsman.
- Being regulated would also provide assurances to our lenders making it easier for us to borrow money on more favourable terms.
What are the rule changes being proposed?
In summary, we propose:
- Expanding the ‘Powers’ section, clarifying what Canopy has been set up to do
- Incorporating new rules around limited terms for Board Members (limiting them to three three-year terms)
- Updating rules around co-option of new Board Members (making it easier for us to bring tenants and volunteers onto the Board between AGMs)
- Changing the rules about conflicts of interest to align them with charity law
- Amending the rules around the restriction on use of assets (to try to ensure Canopy’s homes would remain as social housing if we ceased trading)
- Adding rules designed to prevent predatory mergers (to try to stop other companies taking over Canopy if we didn’t want them to!)
- Adding a rule that would allow us to stop a tenant who was in serious breach of their tenancy from voting at general meetings
- Amending rules around delegated authority (Canopy has a bigger staff team than in 1998 and the way the Board operates has changed. They are no longer involved in day-to-day management. Instead, the Board make strategic decisions and ask the management team to deliver on them)
- Allowing meetings to be called and held electronically (saving on postage and allowing more people to attend)
- Modernising some of the language that was used in the old rules
Click on the links below to see Canopy’s New rules and Old rules: